

Jun 07, 2023

Flashy car accessory can make you look VERY tacky

DRIVERS are only just realising this flashy car accessory can make you look very tacky.

A motors expert revealed the top 10 "most tacky car accessories" a driver can buy - urging everyone to stop embarrassing themselves by purchasing.

Alex Hamilton shared a post to his blog expressing his hatred for the "naff" trinkets and add-ons motorists put on their vehicles.

And one of them was gear stick covers.

He said: "Instead of having a map of where each gear is located or the car's badge on the top of your gear stick, you could have a skull, flashing lights or even diamonds.

"Well, when I say diamonds I mean those plastic things you get from the local pound shop.

"In some cases though - cases that are over 6 figures in value - the diamonds are real. Still naff however."

But people online found the covers fun and a blast from the past.

One Twitter user said they bought a bright pink fluffy gear stick cover for the winter so it wasn't cold to touch.

She tweeted: " Just bought the most tacky bright pink fluffy 3 piece cover set for my steering wheel, gear stick and hand break.

"Needs must when your too poor to have a heated steering wheel in these arctic conditions."

Another reminisced on how they were a big hit back in the day.

He said: "Did people not have the fluffy/fleece-like covers for the steering wheel, seats and even on the gear stick handle?

"Certainly did make you feel you were sitting in some women's bedroom - everything had to be covered up and fluffy!"

It comes after Alex revealed gear stick covers weren't the only thing that he found horrendous.

He admitted car eyelashes were a "horrible disease" and "should be banned by law".

Alex said anyone who sticks eyelashes to their headlights makes him scream.

He said the popular trend mostly seen on "Minis, Ford Kas and Fiat 500s" needs to be stopped.

Alex wrote: "You know that famous dog that sounds like a man screaming on YouTube?

"That's my reaction every time I see eyelashes on headlights.

"The amount of Minis, Ford Kas and Fiat 500s I see with those horrible things on them is increasing by the week, making my urge to go round every car park in the land to rip them all off rise.

"Fake eyelashes that surround the headlights [are] so, so tacky."

It comes after a petrolhead revealed five other trends he thought were awful.